Caring for your jewels
Freestone jewelry is crafted by hand, using tiny new and vintage glass seed beads, hand-cut metals, and natural materials.
Follow these tips for a long life of adornment
avoid water and moisture
Take your jewels off before swimming in the river or dancing in the rain.
Water can tarnish brass, discolor beads, or weaken thread.
If you live in a damp climate, practice tucking your jewels away when you’re not wearing them.
In a closed container, jewelry box, cloth, or plastic bag.
keeping your brass shiny and bright
I recommend using Sunshine Polishing cloths. Gently rub them on your brass pieces without irritating the thread and beads. The metal will come right back to its original shine!
avoid fire and heat
Do not lean over your campfire with a beaded necklace or earrings on. This could result in melting the thread, and your woven piece will fall apart.
do not leave your jewels laying in the sun, this could cause warping of the thread and funky fringe- not the good kind.
thread remembers
If it’s all crumpled up in your jewelry box, the thread is going to stay crumpled up for awhile. Laying flat in a closed container is best! But hanging your beaded earrings is fine too.
Take your jewels off before you go to bed, this will ensure a longer life for your jewels.